General Performance & Encoding

General Performance

General Performance

General Performance

General Performance


MPEG-4 Encoding Performance - 'Sum of All Fears' Chapter 9

MPEG-4 Encoding Performance - 'Sum of All Fears' Chapter 9

The Asus P5WDG2-WS performance is near or at the top in all benchmarks with the Intel 955X based Gigabyte GA-8I955X Royal trailing all boards in the benchmarks.

We have added the Presler CPU scores to selective benchmarks to show the impact of this revised processor, 975X chipset, and Virtualization Technology. The CPU was run at 3.2GHz (16x200fsb) in order to match the 3.2GHz (16x200fsb) speed of the 840EE used in our standard test configuration. We will be reviewing the Presler and Cedar Mill product families in detail shortly.
Test Setup and NVIDIA SLI Performance Workstation Performance
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  • Tujan - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - link

    Can you tell us what power supply was used on this Asus multi-layered board ? What kind of power muscle did get used. ? [ ]

    Thanks.Didn't see it right off in table of 'Setup.
  • Gary Key - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - link

    We used the OCZ Power Stream 520. It is our standard power supply for testing. I have listed in the overclocking setup but not in the regular test setup. I will add that line in the next article.

    Thank you.
  • Kensei - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - link

    Cool quote from the man often referred to as the first US psychologist. The psychology building at Harvard, where he was a professor, is also named after him. And I'm pretty sure he got that honor without giving them a ton of money.

  • Saist - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - link

    just wondering how the board would compare using the Via Envy HT-S sound chip...
  • Gary Key - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - link

    Would a Chaintech AV710 satisfy your question? ;->
  • Hikari - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - link

    I have some horrible 945G board (don't ask, I use a 7800GT lol), and I can't even run PC2-6400 over 667, nor will the computer not crash if I put the bus over 205. :(

    So when are the 975x boards supposed to come out? I see some of the Intel boxes listed now in froogle (not usually in stock though), but not from Gigabyte, Asus, or anyone else yet. :) I'd be happy if it is before the 21st (my birthday). This Asus board looks like it'll be exceedingly expensive, though.
  • rrcn - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - link

    Boards featuring the 975X chipset should hit retail stores sometime this week. We'll see...
  • Gary Key - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - link

    The 975x boards should be shipping in volume by the end of the year. We expect to see a small sampling of boards in the retail channel as early as next week but as always that could change.
  • IntelUser2000 - Tuesday, December 6, 2005 - link

    Right... I am gonna overclock my workstation system by 30%....

    "I'll overclock my server by 20% when 4 million people depend on it NOT TO CRASH!!"
  • Gary Key - Wednesday, December 7, 2005 - link


    Right... I am gonna overclock my workstation system by 30%....

    I know the overclock testing was a bit much for a "workstation" board but it does give an indication to the quality of the components used on the board.

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