Quake III Arena Performance- Quaver


Quaver, a Quake III Arena demo that previously stressed our cards to the max, has become no problem for the GeForce 2 GTS to topple. Due to the use of NVIDIA reference drivers 5.16, S3TC compression was utilized in the demo playback, significantly increasing performance and decreasing texture swapping. The WinFast GeForce 2 GTS performed 66% faster than the GeForce 256 DDR when at both 1280x1024x16 and 1600x1200x16. When overclocked, this difference rose to 71% when at 1600x1200x16. At the playable resolution of 1280x1024 the stock clocked card performed 26% faster than the DDR GeForce 256 and the overclocked card performed 32% faster than the DDR GeForce 256.

Quake III Arena Performance- demo001 Unreal Tournament Performance
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