Content Creation and General Usage Performance

AnandTech has always considered Content Creation and General Usage benchmarks very important in looking at the real-world performance of computers. Intel has led in this area lately, in particular Content Creation, and certainly PC-DL did nothing to change that. The Asus PC-DL dominates Content Creation in the Multimedia Winstone, exactly as we expected it would.

The General Usage or Office Productivity Winstone is another story, however, with PC-DL coming in at the bottom of our chart. In this benchmark, AMD processors have done better, and AMD performs better across the board.

High-End Workstation Performance Final Words
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  • Anonymous User - Saturday, September 6, 2003 - link

    This review makes, me it possible to use two P4 2400/800 CPU's on this board, maybe with some kind of adapter. Those P4's would likely outperform this Xeon setup and possibly also the Opteron, with a very interesting price tag, even if these adaptors would cost $50 each.

    And if anyone should see an Intel engineer, just tell him we want a 1000 MHZ FSB for those Xeons, as the i875 would surely pass all validation test at this speed, and the PC4000 memory is already available.
  • Wesley Fink - Saturday, September 6, 2003 - link

    The 3200+ Athlon we use for testing AMD IS a Barton core. The 3.0 is the Intel CPU we have been using for benchmarking Intel.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, September 6, 2003 - link

    Why not just make a dual 800FSB P4 system. With HT activated you'd get 4 virtual processors, something that XP Pro can handle.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, September 6, 2003 - link

    i see commens like like its they use thw 3.2Hz p4 but what performance they all expect? 80% from 3.0 to 3.2Ghz?>
  • Lonyo - Saturday, September 6, 2003 - link

    "we are reviewing the PC-DL, and comparing it to the performance from the current top Pentium 4, Barton, and Opteron/Athlon64 boards that we have tested"

    Performance Test Configuration
    Processor(s): Intel Dual Xeon 3.06 (1 Mb Cache) 533FSB
    AMD Opteron Socket 940 at 2.0GHz (9x222) 444FSB
    Intel Pentium 4 at 3.0GHz (800FSB)

    No Barton in there, the top Opteron (or so I thought) was the 1.8GHz, and the top P4 is the 3.2 as far as I'm aware.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, September 6, 2003 - link

    Dual Xeons is a joke. The P4 is starved for bandwidth in a SINGLE processor configuration at 533Mhz FSB. What makes anyone think TWO processors can handle being that starved? It's like eating spaghetti through a straw -- you can get a few noodles, but it's faster to go buy a fork. And, last I heard, Intel wasn't planning on bring a 800Mhz FSB to the Xeon, just a stopgap 667Mhz FSB. Almost any task can be performed better by a single P4 3.0Ghz processor then dual Xeons of any speed on any platform. Xeons make no sense as a consumer platform all. And, with Opteron here, they make no sense as a server platform, either.

    When can I see my Athlon64 vs. Pentium 4 benchies? I hardly think an overclocked Opteron counts. After all, the 2.0Ghz Athlon64 isn't going to run with dual-channel memory, anyway. Can you say Socket 754? Luckily, AMD is already moving to Socket 940/939 for future releases. Mmm. 64-bit goodness.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, September 6, 2003 - link

    I'm always dissapointed in dual cpu system reviews, as they never show how the systems multitask. I would like to see the FPS in UT3 while encoding a movie at the same time. Can you play games while burning a DVD? I would like to see the performance while performing multiple tasks at the same time.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, September 6, 2003 - link

    Yea, I'll bet Intel thought they could Spin dual Xeons as a viable filler until Prescott arrives some day. Reality shows there is no way the P4 or dual-Xeons are gonna hold a candle to a single Opteron/A64 let alone a dual system. Intel is hurting as their 90 nano stuff is gonna be too little, too late, and the suckers draw a pile of current = a ton of heat. Who wants that in a system thats' too expensive and that under performs??? They should just scrap the Prescott and work on something worth releasing to the market before it's obsolete.
  • Anonymous User - Saturday, September 6, 2003 - link

    Somehow this review looks eerily familiar. Hrm, wonder why :P.

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