General Usage Performance

The Dell Inspiron 8600 uses the Pentium-M 1.7GHz, which happens to be the highest rated Pentium-M on the market. Ergo, it wasn't a shock to see the Dell Inspiron 8600 lead the Centrino pack. We saw previously the Pentium-M 1.6GHz processors lead over a desktop Pentium 4 2.4GHz processor in this scenario, so additionally, it was expected to see the 8600 lead over the desktop platform.

Again, the 8600 takes the lead with 35% over the desktop Pentium 4 2.4GHz platform. Now, we see the Dell Latitude D800 fall below the desktop platform, and we continue to see this into the rest of the benchmark runs.

The Test Content Creation Performance
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  • Anonymous User - Thursday, October 9, 2003 - link

    I'd love to buy a wide screen LCD for my not-mobile computer, is there any ? Can't find a review of such a thing

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