Single Core + New Memory Dividers

Next, we move on to the single core Athlon 64 FX-57 running at 2.8GHz. The FX-57’s high clock speed should increase its dependency on a faster memory bus, but by how much?

The DFI board only offers support for 215MHz DDR430 and 233MHz DDR466 at 2.8GHz; given the lackluster improvement that we’ve seen from ~DDR433, we decided to only focus on DDR466 performance.

Multimedia Content Creation Winstone 2004

Memory Speed MMCC Winstone 2004 % Improvement over DDR400
DDR400 39.8 N/A
DDR466 39.8 0%

3D Rendering

Memory Speed 3dsmax 6 - SPECapc Rendering Composite % Improvement over DDR400
DDR400 1.79 N/A
DDR466 1.8 1%

Memory Speed Cinebench 2003 % Improvement over DDR400
DDR400 395 N/A
DDR466 396 0%

Video Encoding

Memory Speed DivX 6 + AutoGK % Improvement over DDR400
DDR400 40.6 N/A
DDR466 41.7 3%

Memory Speed Windows Media Encoder 9 (fps) % Improvement over DDR400
DDR400 2.61 N/A
DDR466 2.63 1%


Memory Speed Doom 3 (1024 x 768 fps) % Improvement over DDR400
DDR400 137.5 N/A
DDR466 141.9 3%

Despite the high clock speed, the FX-57 doesn’t benefit any more from DDR466 than the dual core chips had seen with DDR480/488.

Low End Dual Core + New Memory Dividers Final Words
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  • sprockkets - Monday, July 11, 2005 - link

    i remember when ddr400 wasn't official...
  • Joepublic2 - Monday, July 11, 2005 - link

    "Potentially as a backup plan, the Rev E chips include unofficial support for memory faster than DDR400, without overclocking the Hyper Transport bus"

    This is an appeal to overclockers, nothing more.

    "why isn't jedec officially supporting ddr500?"

    JEDEC will not approve any more speed grades of DDR without Samsung and Intel's blessing.

  • Hacp - Monday, July 11, 2005 - link

    Seems to be a conspiracy OCZ+DFI.
  • coomar - Monday, July 11, 2005 - link

    why isn't jedec officially supporting ddr500?
  • ryanv12 - Monday, July 11, 2005 - link

    Good article. This will probably help me sleep better at night when Socket M2 comes out and I still have an X2 939 :p
  • reactor - Monday, July 11, 2005 - link

    hmm kinda sad that it doesnt improve performance much, but then we already know low latecy is better for amd cpus.

    are we going to see a review on the ocz gx ram?
  • SilthDraeth - Monday, July 11, 2005 - link

    keeps getting better and better.

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