Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

The red bar represents the SiS 756 performance in our gaming benchmarks. In every case, performance is at least mid-range among tested 939 chipsets, and in a few cases like Far Cry and Doom 3, performance is tops among the tested cards.

Overall, the SiS 756 is competitive in gaming among tested Socket 939 chipsets. It seems that all of the 939 chipset makers have done a decent job with performance of their chipsets. As a buyer, you will need to look at features, performance of features, and overclocking performance to distinguish among the chipsets that we have tested.

General Performance and Encoding Ethernet Performance
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  • hermitthefrog - Tuesday, September 13, 2005 - link

    but i didn't read the article yet, im a loser

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