3D Workstation Performance

3D Workstation Performance

3D Workstation Performance

3D Workstation Performance

3D Workstation Performance

3D Workstation Performance

3D Workstation Performance

3D Workstation Performance

3D Workstation Performance

The superior Workstation performance involves two parts: the ABIT NI8 SLI coupled to the 3.2Ghz D840 EE Dual core. The other boards tested in our Worstation suite used a 3.6GHz standard single core solution. This is not an apples-to-apples comparison, like our other test results, but is more to illustrate now strong the slower dual-core performs compared to a faster single-core CPU.

In all tests except light-07 this setup indeed proved dual core has advantages in workstation performance even though workstation code is single channel.

DX8 Gaming Performance Overclocking and Disk Controller Performance
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  • TheInvincibleMustard - Saturday, October 8, 2005 - link

    Thanks for clearing that up, Wesley ... here I was thinking that AT had gone off their rockers for a moment :D

  • jojo4u - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    A new Forceware was also used in the gaming tests.
  • smn198 - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    Agreed. This is not a motherboard test.
  • TheInvincibleMustard - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    QFT ... what's the point in testing a new board while conveniently slipping a new processor into it as well? That's akin to "Let's compare this Accord versus this Corolla, oh and by the way, the Accord has nitrous, aftermarket shocks, aftermarket brakes, aftermarket muffler ..."

    Thanks for an article that shows that dual-core is better than single-core in multi-threaded applications ... funny, I thought Anandtech did one of those articles a while back ...


    PS -- WTF is up with no Firewire on this board? Mobos http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82...">less than $80 shipped have IEEE1394 connectivity for cryin' out loud ...
  • TheInvincibleMustard - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    Err ... well ... I tried to QFT, but apparently it didn't work? Whatever, I still agree with you guys.

  • ksherman - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    Man, I REALLY like the passively cooled chipset... wish DFI did that in the nF4 boards...
  • mongoosesRawesome - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    eh, not so impressed myself. what ABIT did looks expensive and it doesn't get the job done adequately. DFI includes temperature controlled fans in their BIOS, which makes their fans bearable. A nice thing about Nforce 3/4 boards is that you really only have one chip to cool.

    Who exactly is Abit targeting with this board? Who games with Intel? A64s are cheap, nforce 4 boards are cheap, and they perform better. I realize that in the corporate world, there are people out there that only use Intel, but I figured gamers were different. I just can't see this board really being that popular.
  • KristopherKubicki - Friday, October 7, 2005 - link

    ASUS did it first with the "Premium" series stuff.

  • emc2-1955 - Sunday, August 29, 2010 - link

    I got an Abit NI8 SLI with an extreme processor and 4 gig of ram. The problem is that to takes forever to load. I've tried it with windows xp pro and windows 7 can anyone tell me what I chould check any tips

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