Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

Gaming Performance

The overall gaming performance of the Biostar TForce4 U 775 is phenomenal compared to our recent Intel based test results. The Biostar board took first place in five of the seven tests and scored well in the two that it did not win. In the benchmarks where the minimum and maximum scores are listed it should be noted the Biostar board consistently had the best minimum scores reported. This performance pattern directly led to the board's impressive scores. We contacted NVIDIA and Biostar about the performance of the board and were assured they have witnessed excellent results in their internal testing. We ran the tests on our second board and actually witnessed higher results in the Serious Sam II and Battlefield 2 benchmarks. Although we did not report Doom 3 and Quake 4 scores, the Biostar board was generally 4% faster than the Asus and Intel boards. A combination of the optimized BIOS and chipset revisions has certainly turned this board into an excellent Intel platform for gaming.

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  • jamesbond007 - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    Haha! Way to go, Gary. You have a fan base! =P
  • Gary Key - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    Thanks for kind words everyone. I will post a short update to this article in a couple of days as the new bios results are looking promising in resolving some overclock and bios lockup issues.
  • drewintheav - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    Gary is awesome! :)
  • Zebo - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    I love Gary can't we get him writing articles people will read? Intel/biostar - common.. you'll get 1000 page hits max and 3/4 of them are because Gary wrote it!:P
  • Googer - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    Not too bad if you want a P4, but for me I am avoiding nVIDIA Chipsets except when it comes to AMD products. Go Go ULi!
  • DigitalFreak - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    Uh, you mean Go Go Nvidia, since they own ULi now...
  • Googer - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    Finaly Intel Gets Hypertransport on their chips, like it or not HTT probably is becoming a standard that Intel might have to adopt sooner or later.
  • DigitalFreak - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    This has nothing to do with Intel. Nvidia uses HT to communicate between their north and south bridges. They've done it with all their Intel chipsets so far.
  • Googer - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    Since the noth bridge has HTT, in theory you could connect an nVIDIA based nFORCE north bridge to a ULi or nVIDIA AMD north bridge and have one of several things:

    1) A dual CPU system- One Intel Pentium M/4 and One AMD 64 CPU running on the same motherboard simultaniously. The OS might need to be re-written so that multi-threaded applications only use one processor. Linux prehaps?

    2) AMD 64 Could get Quad Channel RAM higher.

    3) You could ADD a ULi M1567 Southbridge to get True AGP with that PCI-express SLI.

    4) You could possibly mix and match chipsets. VIA K8T8xx with one of AMD's north/south bridges and an nFORCE Intel Editon.

    You could possibly Connect the AMD 64 Directly (using it's own HTT link) in to the the P4 north bridge with no need to use the chipset designed for the A64.

    HTT on Intel means a whole new world of possibilites!
  • Furen - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    Huh? How is Intel getting hypertransport on its chips? HT is a standard but I dont think Intel will ever adopt it because of its pride, more than anything else. It truly doesn't matter though, since HT is just a data transport and using any other data transport gives you the same results as long as it is used in a similar configuration.

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