General Performance & Encoding

General Performance

General Performance

General Performance

General Performance

General Performance

MPEG-4 Encoding Performance - 'Sum of All Fears' Chapter 9

MPEG-4 Encoding Performance - 'Sum of All Fears' Chapter 9

The Biostar TForce4 U 775 absolutely dominates the other boards in PCMark 2005 and 3Dmark05. While the Biostar board scores near the bottom in the balance of the synthetic benchmarks it still leads the 945P based board in these benchmarks. We ran the tests several times and on a second board with the same results. It is obvious the BIOS optimizations have made a difference in these particular benchmarks and if the memory performance of the board improves, we are sure that it would outscore the 975x based boards. The Biostar board also performs very well in the encoding tests. Our encoding tests will soon change to the DivX 6.1 codec and additional multimedia tasks.

Test Setup Memory Performance
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  • Ecmaster76 - Thursday, February 16, 2006 - link

    If they do they might acually catch up with AMD.

    Supposedly their CSI project is falling apart. If they swallow their pride their server department would find a boon in HT

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