Test Systems: Benchmark Setup

All boards support current socket 775 Intel processors. We chose an E6300 for testing as we feel this will be a very popular Core 2 Duo CPU choice with the P965 motherboards. We also chose GEIL PC2-6400 for our memory choice as it represents an excellent blend of performance at today's inflated prices although we are starting to see some price stabilization after six weeks of continued price increases in the DDR2 market. We are utilizing the MSI X1950XTX video card to ensure our 1280x1024 resolutions are not completely GPU bound for our motherboard test results. We did find in testing that applying a 4xAA/8xAF setting in most of today's latest games created a situation where the performance of the system starts becoming GPU limited.

Standard Test Bed
Performance Test Configuration
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6300
(1.86GHz, 2MB Unified Cache)
RAM: Geil PC2-6400 800MHz Plus (2x1GB- GX22GB6400PDC), 2.30V
(Micron Memory Chips)
Hard Drive: Seagate 320GB 7200RPM SATA2 16MB Buffer
System Platform Drivers: Intel -
Video Cards: 1 x MSI X1950XTX
Video Drivers: MSI/ATI Catalyst 6.10
CPU Cooling: Scythe Infinity
Power Supply: OCZ GameXstream 700W
Optical Drive: Sony 18X AW-Q170A-B2
Case: Cooler Master CM Stacker 830
Motherboards: Asus P5B-E (Intel P965 C2, 1.01G) - BIOS 0601
Asus P5B-E (Intel P965 C2, 1.02G) - BIOS 0601
Abit AB9-Pro (Intel P965 C1) - BIOS 1.5
BioStar T-Force 965 Deluxe (Intel P965 C1) - BIOS
Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3 (Intel P965 C2) - BIOS F7
Asus P5NSLI (NVIDIA 570SLI) - BIOS 0601
Asus P5W-Deluxe (Intel 975X) - BIOS 1407
Operating System: Windows XP Professional SP2

A 2GB memory configuration is now standard in the AT test bed as most enthusiasts are currently purchasing this amount of memory. We chose memory from GEIL that would offer a wide range of memory settings during our stock and overclocked test runs. Our memory timings are set based upon determining the best memory bandwidth via MemTest 86 and our test application results for each board.

Our revision 1.01G Asus P5B-E motherboard will operate at memory settings of 4-4-3-8 compared to 3-3-3-9 for the other motherboards. This is due to the 2.1V memory limitation and our choice of memory for the P965 roundup. The Asus P5B-E 1.02G offers identical performance at the same memory settings as the 1.01G board so our results will be comparable regarding motherboards.

All other components in our test configurations are exactly the same with the boards being set up in their default configurations. Our video tests are run at 1280x1024 resolution for this article at standard settings. We will not report on 1600x1200 4xAA/8xAF single and ATI CrossFire until part three of the roundup. Since our games are GPU limited at that setting all initial results in our testing are within one percent of each other.

Gigabyte GA-965P-DS3: Overclocking Synthetic Graphics Performance
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  • Gary Key - Saturday, October 21, 2006 - link

    The DS4 will be reviewed. Gigabyte has stated they will not bring it into the US but we are still trying to convince them (really more like begging and calling our marketing rep at home on the weekends to beg some more) to release it in the States. The copper backplate can be removed off the DQ6 and I really did not see any benefit with it on in testing. It makes for a good rebate with the price of copper today. ;-)

    The AHCI issues stay the way they are at this time. It is frustrating to say the least. I was being a bit sarcastic in my statement but it is a little harder than it should be to enable AHCI on the ICH8R.
  • Ryan Norton - Sunday, October 22, 2006 - link

    I'm in Taiwan, so the DS4 is all over the place :)
  • Capt Caveman - Saturday, October 21, 2006 - link

    Not sure if you live in the US or not but Gigabyte is not bringing/selling the DS4 to the US.

    Also, the copper backplate for the DQ-6, can be removed with a tworx(sp?) screwdriver. At XS, many just went to Home Depot and got longer screws for their HSF.
  • lopri - Saturday, October 21, 2006 - link

    Excellent review that'll help potential buyers enormously. A couple things:

    1. Error in the chart (page 14): There is a discrepency between the chart (3-4-3) and the commentary (3-4-4) :)
    2. In memory review Wesley always put tRP ahead of tRCD, while Gary does the opposite. It'd be nice to have a consistency for less experienced users!
    3. Gary, did you test the P5W-DH with wirless module installed or without? I recently found out the wirless module could skew CPU/memory-sensitive benchmarks on this board big time. I'm not sure if my finding is true in general, but if it is, then the comparison between a board with such feature and a board without it can be unfair.
    4. Can Sandra Unbuffered be really an indication of general performace? @400FSB, setting memory ratio 4:5 (DDR2-1000/4-4-3) boosted the score by a whooping 400~500 MB/s from the ratio 1:1 (DDR2-800/3-3-3), which never realized for other tests in a meaningful way. Oh this is about my own testing. :D

    Thanks for the great review.
  • Gary Key - Saturday, October 21, 2006 - link

    Thanks for the comments.

    1. The timing error is corrected. Jarred and I were editing at the same and we found out after the article went live that our saves to the final copy would overwrite each other. Bad timing for several other mistakes that have been cleared up now.

    2. Wes is wrong. Just kidding, we will get on the same page. :)

    3. I turned off the WiFi on the PSW-DH. The scores were even worse with it on. Not that they are bad but the board runs a little looser timings in order to overclock at the high end. DFI also does this with their boards targeted for the overclocking market.

    4. Sandra Unbuffered can be an indication of performance in apps that are memory sensitive. This is not always the case but it is one of the better yardsticks available at this time.
  • Lothar - Saturday, October 21, 2006 - link

    Do you plan on comparing the Gigabyte DS3 vs the S3 version for us to know if there are performance/overclocking issues with the S3?

    The only difference so far between the DS3 and S3 is "All Solid Capacitors".
    Are there any other difference I'm missing?

    The S3 is $110, and the DS3 is $150.
    I have a hard time to justify paying an extra $40 for only "all solid capacitors"
    The term is nothing but marketing to me so far.

    I haven't seen any proof of a performance/overclocking issue between the two boards.
    If you or anyone else plan on testing the differences or can provide something(Ex: any review link) stating otherwise, that would be great.
  • Nakazato - Monday, October 23, 2006 - link

    In theory, cleaner power.... but aside from the theory, the onboard sound does start flaking out the higher you go. This has been true on 2/2 boards I've tried it on. So an add-in card is needed for the higher overclocks... 460+ish.
  • goinginstyle - Monday, October 23, 2006 - link

    No issue here with the Biostar board at 500FSB and the Realtek ALC-883. It sounds fine but a X-FI is still the way to go for gaming.
  • Gary Key - Saturday, October 21, 2006 - link


    Do you plan on comparing the Gigabyte DS3 vs the S3 version for us to know if there are performance/overclocking issues with the S3?

    Yes, the S3 will be in part two. :)
  • Lothar - Saturday, October 21, 2006 - link

    The only other differences I found were RAID support and 2 extra USB ports...

    It's not worth the $40 price difference if performance and overclocking results are the same IMO.

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