Overclocking Application Performance

Besides gaming tests, we also wanted to run some more traditional benchmarks. Many of these depend more on CPU and system performance rather than purely on the graphics cards, so this will give us a chance to see how the X9000 scales with overclocking when the GPU isn't a factor. We have used some of these tests in the past, but with new versions of QuickTime and DivX we have opted to start fresh.

Note: All of the application tests were performed with the 167.55 drivers.

Encoding - DivX

Encoding - QuickTime

Rendering - CINEBENCH R10

Rendering - CINEBENCH R10

We see much better scaling with the CPU overclock in these tests, likely in part because the GPUs are not contributing to overall system load. The CINEBENCH single core result scales almost perfectly with clock speed, while the other three tests get about 80% of the potential speedup. If you want a fast laptop to do this sort of work, the M1730 will work very well. On the other hand, these types of applications also benefit greatly from multi-core CPUs, making quad-core more attractive. It may be quite some time before we see any official mobile quad-core CPUs; in the meantime, there are some notebooks that use desktop CPUs, including the Q6600 and its ilk. Whether you actually want to go that route rather than simply staying with desktops is a tough call; we've never been particularly fond of running a desktop CPU in a laptop, ever since the days of the "mobile" Pentium 4.

Overclocking and Futuremark Performance Battery Life and Power Use
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  • mark3450 - Thursday, February 28, 2008 - link

    This is a near perfect computer for me. I'm always near a plug at a friends house or traveling for work, and in those places I want my machine to be as powerfule as possible. I bought and still use one of the original XPS laptops, and I've been happy with it. It is however getting near time to upgrade.

    One drawback I see however is that dell won't supply it with Vista64, which is disappointing as I'd defiantely get this beast with 4Gb and want to make full use of it. I've been using Vista64 on my gaming desktop for several months and have been very pleased with it. I'm sure Dell just doesn't want to deal with 2 sets of drivers, but Vista64 is the future and they should support it on a machine like this.
  • JarredWalton - Thursday, February 28, 2008 - link

    Dell did ship me 2x2GB of RAM for additional testing, but I didn't get time to look at that (yet). 32-bit is still better for a lot of people, and I think the real inflection point is going to be when we start moving to 8GB systems. 64-bit can address all 4GB of memory without the need to split things into application and OS memory spaces, but usually it doesn't *need* it.

    I know Dell is starting to offer 64-bit as an option on some other systems, and I'd imagine down the road they'll have 64-bit for the M1730 (or perhaps the successor). Drivers are just so critical and notebooks don't get updated quite as often, so you really are living on the bleeding edge with SLI and Vista-64 right now. It's possible, of course, and in fact I'm sure you could install Vista-64 on the system on your own; Dell just isn't ready to support that yet.
  • mark3450 - Friday, February 29, 2008 - link

    The problem with installing my own Vista64 OS, aside from the cost, is that it's likely impossible to get NVIDIA drivers for it. I currently own an XPS/inspiron Gen2 and anything but the blessed drivers from Dell crash the machine, and it doesn't even have SLI.
  • JarredWalton - Friday, February 29, 2008 - link

    Have you checked with NVIDIA? My understanding is that they now have quarterly driver updates that apply to various gaming notebooks, so even if Dell (or someone else) has abandoned an older model laptop, you might not be totally out of luck. If that does work, let me know as well - I'm certainly curious about it. The last driver release was supposedly just a couple months ago, and it should cover up through 8700M notebooks. (Dell XPS is supposed to be one of the participating vendors, so it's still voluntary, but most of the gaming notebook companies hopefully understand the importance of drivers and agreed to allow "reference" drivers from NVIDIA to work for certain systems.)

    Regarding Vista-64, again the above may offer a solution.
  • strafejumper - Thursday, February 28, 2008 - link

    this is what i mean
    i only use desktops my whole life so i don't know much about laptops but - for $3500 i would want to be able to watch a 120 minute dvd, and this thing can only make it through 60 mins... also can only browse the web for 60 mins, justdon't get this.

    maybe i had the idea that the appeal of the laptop was you are free from outlets and wires and etc. but with these even for $3500 you still have to be near a plug to watch a dvd
  • 7Enigma - Friday, February 29, 2008 - link

    The purpose is to have the power of a desktop with the portability of a laptop. NOT that you can have a 5 (heck 2) hour portable laptop. As the author mentioned, it really is a niche product. You want to be able to take your screaming desktop pc from home to work or to a friends house, not on the plane/train/automobile that a typical notebook computer is used for. If I had oodles of cash and went to lan parties frequently, this would be the perfect computer. And forget the loud fans, if you are gaming on it and need the overclocked performance, I'd be playing the games with headphones!

    Put simply, this is the 10lb desktop computer.
  • IvanAndreevich - Thursday, February 28, 2008 - link

    Hey guys, you might want to blur out the serial number on that COA sticker on the bottom.
  • JarredWalton - Saturday, March 1, 2008 - link

    Ooops... yeah, forgot to do that. :|
  • legoman666 - Thursday, February 28, 2008 - link

    Thanks OP, in for 3!
  • crimson117 - Thursday, February 28, 2008 - link

    Jarred - here's some advice:

    Find a woman who thinks it'd be romantic to buy his and hers M1730's :)

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