Content Creation & Office Performance @ 800MHz/DDR400


Any sort of massive performance advantage is erased once we look at real-world tests, the 865 and 875 are virtually identical in performance.

Memory Performance @ 800MHz/DDR400 Unreal Tournament 2003/Splinter Cell @ 800MHz/DDR400
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  • Anonymous User - Thursday, July 10, 2003 - link

    I appreciate reviews such as this. But, as a "middle ground" technical background but heavy Excel, and database manipulation user my options break out different than specified here. I am a retail buyer. Box it and sell it to me. The 865's are boxed with "middle systems", the 875's with "higher systems". If I upgrade a "middle", with larger HD and monitor, I am within $30 of the higher system "out of the box". In no way is this a layman's forum, but it would be nice for the "layman", if you included a sentence about "if you are within $100, go ahead with this".

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