Although the Adaptec Threadmark 2.0 is getting quite old, it is still an useful measure of performance when comparing similar drives on the same platform. Here we can see that the IBM 75 GXP manages to beat out the highly rated Maxtor DiamondMax Plus by .3 MB/s. It also comes in slightly lower on CPU utilization that the Maxtor.

I would like to comment that this is one area where the Adaptec Threadmark benchmark is beginning to show its age, as the CPU utilization numbers here are a bit misleading. While the Threadmark numbers are quite high, the IBM 75 GXP uses only about 4.0% CPU utilization during the ZD benchmarks. While we currently do not list the ZD Benchmark CPU utilization scores, they will be available for viewing on all of the drives we have tested, once the new benchmark engine gets put into place.

Win98SE - Content Creation 2000 Windows 2000 - Business Disk Winmark
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  • Anonymous User - Friday, September 12, 2003 - link

    It's really too bad that in the continuous ratrace of reviewing and testing new hardware, Anandtech's rarealy take the time to sit down and look back at products reviewed. In my experience the IBM 75GXP were disappointing when it came to reliability and longevity. What's the use of having the best performing harddrive if you don't know how long it will keep on working ? I just saw the replacement of my 45gig 75GXP replacement harddrive breaking down ... need I say more ?

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