Qualcomm this morning is taking the wraps off of a new smartphone SoC for the mid-range market, the Snapdragon 7s Gen 3. The second of Qualcomm’s down-market ‘S’ tier Snapdragon 7 parts, the 7s series is functionally the entry-level tier for the Snapdragon 7 family – and really, most Qualcomm-powered handsets in North America. With three tiers of Snapdragon 7 chips, the 7s can easily be lost in the noise that comes with more powerful chips. But the latest iteration of the 7s is a bit more interesting than usual, as rather than reusing an existing die, Qualcomm has seemingly minted a whole new die for this part. As a result, the company has upgraded the 7s family to use Arm’s current Armv9 CPU cores...

AMD's Fall Refresh: New Phenom II and Athlon II CPUs Balance Price and Performance

I don’t know the last time I was this excited about AMD’s roadmap. Zacate and Ontario are due out in a quarter, and both promise to bring competition to...

99 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/21/2010

Context-aware Computing, Intel Paints the Future of Devices

Traditionally a large focus of IDF is looking at future computing trends. For the longest time the name of the game was convergence. The shift to mobility highlighted many...

23 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/15/2010

AMD's Zacate APU Performance Update

It’s 12:43AM and I just got back into my hotel room. I spent the past few hours in AMD’s suite a block from IDF trying to get to the...

104 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/15/2010

Intel announces Tunnel Creek - Atom E600 System on Chip

At the end of this morning's keynote at IDF 2010 intel announced the Atom Processor E600 series. It's a Moorestown-like SoC designed for embedded applications. It's pretty obvious what the...

26 by Brian Klug on 9/14/2010

Intel Announces CE4200 SoC for Smart TVs

Intel just announced its CE4200 (Groveland) SoC, the successor to the CE4100 used in devices like the Boxee box. The CE4200 is based on Intel's 45nm Atom architecture and features...

4 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/14/2010

Intel's Sandy Bridge Architecture Exposed

A few weeks ago we previewed the performance of Intel’s next-generation microprocessor architecture, codenamed Sandy Bridge. We came away impressed with our early look at performance but honestly had...

62 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/14/2010

AMD Benchmarks Zacate APU

Update: We've spent more time with Zacate and have some more accurate performance comparisons here. It's tradition for AMD to have an off-site meeting place during IDF week and this...

66 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/13/2010

Intel Demos Sandy Bridge, Shows off Video Transcode Engine

Today marks the first day of our IDF 2010 coverage and we just left Dadi Perlmutter's keynote. Keeping up with tradition, Dadi's keynote focused on two of Intel's upcoming...

18 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/13/2010

AMD Reveals Competitive Fusion APU TDPs: 9W for netbooks, 18W for notebooks

After the ATI acquisition AMD announced it would be creating a new category of microprocessors that featured integrated ATI GPUs. AMD called these hybrid CPU/GPUs Accelerated Processing Units (APUs...

30 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/7/2010

Sandy Bridge Graphics Update

Last week we published our preview of Intel's 2011 Core microarchitecture update, codenamed Sandy Bridge. In the preview we presented a conservative estimate of what shipping Sandy Bridge performance...

43 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 9/1/2010

AnandTech 2010 Server Upgrade: The CPUs

Years ago I used to publish a series of articles called Behind AnandTech. We'd occasionally do a massive server upgrade and I'd publish detailed specs, shots and info about...

67 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/30/2010

Intel's Core 2011 Mobile Roadmap Revealed: Sandy Bridge Part II

Late last week we pulled back the covers on Intel's next-generation Core architecture update: Sandy Bridge. Due out in Q1 2011, we learned a lot about Sandy Bridge's performance...

55 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/30/2010

Farewell to ATI, AMD to Retire the ATI Brand Later this Year

Four years ago AMD did the unthinkable: it announced the 5.4 billion dollar acquisition of ATI in a combination of cash and stock. What followed was a handful of...

84 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/30/2010

The Sandy Bridge Preview

Every two years Intel is committed to introducing a new microprocessor architecture. It's a part of the whole tick-tock strategy that Intel hatched back in 2005 - 2006. Thus...

202 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/27/2010

AMD Bobcat & Bulldozer Hot Chips Presentations Online

Yesterday we published our coverage of AMD's Bobcat and Bulldozer architecture disclosures. If you haven't had a chance to read the piece or haven't been following AMD for the...

11 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/25/2010

AMD Discloses Bobcat & Bulldozer Architectures at Hot Chips 2010

We've been waiting years for AMD to deliver another knockout microprocessor architecture rather than continue to play the value game. While we've been waiting for its next generation Bobcat...

81 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 8/24/2010

Intel Settles With the FTC

Just shy of 9 months after the FTC’s lawsuit began, Intel’s conflicts are starting to come to an end. Intel and the FTC have reached a settlement ahead of...

64 by Ryan Smith on 8/5/2010

Intel's Core i7 970 Reviewed, (Slightly) More Affordable 6-core

Take the fastest desktop microprocessor in the world, lock its multiplier, shave off 133MHz and drop its price by $100. That's basically what you get with the Core i7...

49 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 7/29/2010

SeaMicro Announces SM10000 Server with 512 Atom CPUs and Low Power Consumption

The past couple of years have shown us a lot can be done with very modest CPU power thanks to Moore's Law. Everything from netbooks to smartphones rely on...

53 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 6/14/2010

Moorestown Won’t Run Windows, but Oaktrail Will

ARM gained a lot of confidence thanks to its success in smartphones, and as such it’s looking up in the food chain a bit at netbooks. The Cortex A9...

21 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 6/1/2010

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